About us
The origin of this travel organization is worth mentioning. I, Jeanne van den Reek, was battling cancer. In fact, I was trying to survive. In order to find another more positive mindset I challenged myself to create a website about a passion of mine: the Canary Islands and the grande route GR131 that covers the 7 islands. Never built a website before! But I truly found pleasure in doing this. This hobby project I started grew and eventually became Canary-Hiking.
I walked all the routes, more than 600 kilometers. Alone at first, and later together with my girlfriend and the amazing good dog Kyra. In 2020 we went to the Canary Islands with a campervan to do research on all islands to truly know the islands ‘by heart’. We feel that only then we will be able to provide you the best experience!
At the moment we have seen, felt and discovered all islands. When we hear the enthusiasm from our clients after their trip, we are covered by feelings of joy and fulfillment.

Jeanne – Founder
As stated above, I am the creator of this organization. After the terrible illness, I didn’t want to sit still. My motto is: Where there is a will, there is a way. I am focused on what can I do instead of what can’t I do!!
I am a person who likes to take on challenges. I ran the New York Marathon after I was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 in order to contribute to the BasvandeGoorFoundation.
Then shortly after my surgeries due to cancer I walked the challenging GR131 on Fuerteventura on my own with a backpack not knowing what to expect. Rare forms of cancer often do not receive research budget. During this trip I asked for attention for a special kind of cancer and raised an amount of money.
To be able to achieve something positive with the negative aspect of life, makes me feel good. During the Corona pandemic I left for the Canary Islands with a camper and together with my girlfriend I investigated all islands. We now have the expert reputation on these islands.
Astrid – Organizer
As a change expert, I was ready for a change myself around the age of 45. A reorganization made a turning point in my life, not knowing where that would lead to… Totally unexpected I found joy and fulfillment working as a volunteer in a hospice with my wonderful street dog Kyra that touched people´s hearts.
A few years later I met Jeanne, who touched my heart. She told me about her travel company and that she soon would go to the islands for a year for research and discovery. I did not hesitate for long and decided to follow my gut feeling.
I support Jeanne in her project because I feel that this is a good way of offering people the joy of hiking in the natural beauty of these islands. It is fun and I love hiking and discovering the world! In this case, the Canary Islands thoroughly.
And Kyra? Ofcourse, she accompanies us. All her talents as a stray seem to come back to life in this nomadic existence! Her being and friendly appearance often make beautiful encounters.